AASNET Get Togethers
Every year since 1995, members have gotten together for the Annual AASNET Get Together. Folks from across the U.S. get together to meet and have an enjoyable time with other family members. No matter how many turn out, whoever comes is sure to have a great time. 1995 was Houston, '96 was New Orleans, and '97 was Las Vegas. Check out what a family gathering is like. Some of the family even have mini-get togethers in different parts of the country throughout the year. An AASNET member is closer than you think.
Check out a history of our gatherings.
1995 | 1996 | 1997 |
Note: The 1995 pictures are no longer available.
We're More Than Just a Home Page
Family members are involved in other activities on the net.
Steve Birdine, President | Creative Diversity Communications |
Reenea Harrison-Cook, Owner | Carolina Sunshine |
Cari King, Editor | Mellenium Monthly Music News |
Dewayne Washington, President | M.A.D. (Javascript) |
Last updated: 09/08/97