Well folks, the Dallas Crew +1 met on Saturday, July 19, 1997 to make tentative plans for the August gathering.  Despite what the pictures show, there was business going on. :)


(Thanks, David, for being the scribe)

Updated 7/24/97

Friday, August 22

Dallas Cowboys/Tennessee Oilers Game - Rick

Night Club - Gillian

Chillin' (aka get-together for folks who don't participate in the first two) - David  

    Saturday, August 23     

BBQ - at Rick's

Six Flags

Jazz Club

Sunday, August 24

Religious services of individual's choice


African American Museum of History and Culture

And now, meet your planning committee...

(Thanks, Rick, for taking care of us)

Left:  Rick Jones and  the (In)Famous David Woods

Right:  Jeffrey Jossell, Ywanda Kimbrough and Gillian Williams

David at one of his better moments. Truthfully, he was sort of serious at the time.

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